Version 1
I started running the Spotify Squad Health Check with my teams in 2017. I was managing managers and wanted a tool to help me be more connected to the challenges each team was facing. It was clear that the conversations that the model would spark were going to be the most important part. Still, I knew that without a way of consistently running the survey it would be hard to nudge the teams towards these conversations and make sense of the data.
The first version of the tool that would become was a Google Form that I exported to CSV and then ran through a PHP script that generated a few charts like the one below.
The form that collected answers looked like this. Please forgive my misspelling of 'worse'.
Version 2
In 2019, when I started working at Tourlane, I ended up recreating the same tool and upgraded the visuals a bit.
In 2020, I made some improvements to the UX. Being able to see trends was super helpful!
Current Version
In 2021, I decided to stop rewriting this tool over and over again. Turns out that the domain was available.
If you want to see how it works, create your account at and start your own health check. Thousands of engineering leaders have used the tool, and I hope that it will be helpful to you, too.